Be responsible when managing networks Remotely.
At LinkSolution, we take responsibility for managing our company’s branches: LAN and WAN networks. We can perform remote or on-site monitoring using our own monitoring software and hardware or through leasing options for the client.

LAN / WAN NETWORK Monitoring
- Conduct on-site or remote SNMP level controls using state-of-the-art tools.
- Dynamic identification of communication device failures in LAN.
- Statistics, metrics, and reports.
- Inventory of network equipment.
- Installation, configuration, and activation of management software.
- Follow-up on network devices under repair or warranty through client-established contracts.
- Control device configurations and define scenarios for each of them.
- Logical network segmentation and configuration for remote equipment access.
- Contingency processes in case of device failure.
WAN monitoring
- Monitoring of all WAN interfaces
- Management of Firewall rules
- Specific configurations for VPN connections or links
- Continuous monitoring and follow-up of provider claims
- Remote support
Remote Communications Support
This service is the extended component of the monitoring service for all those issues that cannot be resolved remotely by the minority service. It can be provided on a “call on demand” basis, meaning we send a technician to the site if required, or it can be a permanent in-house service for the client when the Service Level Agreement agreed with the client requires short restoration times for mission-critical equipment.

Facilities to be provided include:
- Preventive maintenance of equipment park
- Corrective maintenance
- Supervision and inventory of all communication equipment, including brand, model, and serial number. We track parts changes and regularly update this information.
- Continuous monitoring of complaints with suppliers
- Daily Network Events reports, which detail all events detected in LAN and WAN networks. Help Desk System information is analyzed, including incident number, IP address of affected equipment, a summary of the problem, and measures taken and recorded in the device.
- Monthly, bi-annual, or annual metrics and reports on network equipment availability, change management, etc.
- Traffic measurement and analysis on the network, including analysis up to OSI layer 7 upon request and during traffic spikes, in order to identify causes and evaluate possible action plans for collision overflow.
They are not just solutions
LinkSolution is committed to the quality of the services offered, which allows us to offer differential products in the field of Contact Center outsourcing, Technology, Management of turnkey operations, consulting, CRM, ITIL, implementing on each occasion the tools of most up-to-date management..
Marcelo Diaz, Presidente, LinkSolution